빼빼로데이 빼빼로보다 달콤한 대전 신천지말씀대성회 성황

빼빼로데이 저도 친구에게 빼빼로를 선물해주면서 빼빼로데이보다 달콤한 말씀을 듣게금 친구를 초대했습니다.

초코빼빼로, 누드빼빼로, 아몬드빼빼로를 주었는데요 초코빼빼로처럼 달콤한 하나님의 말씀과

누드빼빼로처럼 하나님의 말씀을 있는 그대로 숨김없이 전하는 것, 그리고 아몬드빼빼로처럼

하나님의 말씀이 풀어질때마다 마음 속에서 고소한 마음들이 드는 말씀대성회일꺼라고 말했고

친구도 처음에 올때는 반신반의하다가 말씀을 듣고는 정말 그렇다고 고맙다고 하더군요^^

빼빼로는 일회성, 하나님 말씀은 영원히

빼빼로는 한번 먹고 나면 아쉬움이 남지만 하나님의 말씀은 계속 먹을 수 있습니다.

초코빼빼로, 누드빼빼로, 아몬드빼빼로의 세가지 맛보다 더 맛있는 하나님의 진리의 말씀

11월11일~12일 양일간 펼쳐지니 아직 은혜 못받으신 분들은 놓치지 마세요^^

Posted by 맛짱이
컴퓨터상식탐구2013. 11. 8. 10:19



이번 아이폰5S가 출시 되면서 골드의 수급을 받지 못하고 하염없이 기다리시는 분들이 많을 꺼라 생각이 드는데요 생각보다 한국에


빨리 출시되면서 차기 아이폰이 될 예정인 아이폰6에 대한 관심이 높아져 가고 있는데요 그 핵심은 바로 디스플레이 이겠죠!!


그립감을 이야기 하며 디스플레이 크기를 유지하고 있는 아이폰이 이제는 차기 버젼에서 5인치에 가까운 아이폰을 보여줄지가 관건


이네요 사실 이 디스플레이 때문에 아이폰에서 안드로이드로 많이 넘어가시는 분들을 보았습니다.







사실 아이폰은 아이폰4에서 획기적인 아이폰이 나온이래 디자인이나 여러가지 부분이 그 스타일을 유지해 왔다고 해도 과언이 아닌데


그래서 이제는 큰변화가 예상되기도 합니다. 아직 애플측에서는 무엇도 언급이 없지만 사실 5인치의 아이폰을 기다리는 분들은 많을


꺼라 생각이 듭니다. 저도 포함해서 말이죠 !!







그래서 그런지 차기 아이폰6 예상모델이라고 하면서 인터넷에 많이 돌아다니고 있는데요 그래도 1년은 기다려야 하지않을까 하는 생


각이 듭니다. 그래서 우선 1년동안 넥서스5를 사용하고 이후 넥서스5를 팔고 아이폰6로 갈아타겠다하는 사람들도 많고요 !! 아무튼


애플이 정체기라고 하는 분들도 있지만 이번 아이패드에어 아이패드미니2 등으로 애플의 주가는 다시 오를것같네요 !! 하지만




아이폰에 대한 선택은 저를 아직도 흔들리게 한다는... 잠시 5인치에 익숙해지다보니.. 기존에 사용하던 아이폰4S보고 깜놀... ㅋㅋㅋ




Posted by 맛짱이
진짜바로알자신천지2013. 11. 6. 12:18

Shincheonji - 556- The Word of Life



[ Jn1:1~4 ]

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men.

[ 1 Jn1:1-2 ] That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched--this we proclaim concerning the Word of life. /2The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us.

[ Mt 11:27 ]

"All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.



Shincheonji - 556- The Word of Life





 The Word of Life


Main reference: Jn 1:1-4


In the beginning was the word, and the word was God. Life is in this word. Heaven, earth, and all things were created through this word. If one keeps this word, they will live; but if they do not keep this word, they will die. Since we were created by the word, if anyone does not believe in the word or departs from the word, this lifeline will be disconnected from that person. This is because the word itself is life.

‘Man’ was created by the word, and they are protected by the word. Man’s life is in the word, and it is connected to the word. God, who was the word, left man due to their sin. As a consequence, the source of the word which brought life to man, was disconnected. Man was only able to continue to live on the life which was left, and ended up dying as a result; just as if the light of a lamp was snuffed out because the oil was no longer continuing to be refilled. The reason why the lifespan of mankind, the children of Adam, has decreased is because the lifeline, which played the role of the oil for people, was removed from them, and their sins piled up upon one another. Man’s life expectancy has gradually decreased since Adam’s time. People lived for almost 1,000 years at that time, but now people die even before they reach 100 years.

The God of the word of life, left man because of sin. Jesus came and bore the cross in order to resolve the problem of this sin. The cross he took up was necessary to reconnect the lifeline between God and mankind. This allows the God of life, who left us, to come back to us.

If one desires to receive forgiveness of his sin and to attain eternal life, he must believe in Jesus’ word and act according to its meaning. Since life and the power of creation are in the word, even the people in this world have a saying which says, “Mans’ life and his rich and honor belong to heaven.” Now we must enter into the word and become one family with God. In doing so, we will be able to live eternally with God, the origin of life. This will only be possible because of the grace of Jesus’ blood.

God is the word in the beginning (Jn 1:1); Jesus, with whom God dwelled, is also the word in the beginning (1 Jn 1:1-2). In addition, Jesus also said he was the living bread which came from heaven, and that one would live eternally only by drinking his blood and eating his flesh (Jn 6).

Jesus was born from heaven, and he received the revealed scroll, the word of the revelation, just as it is portrayed in Ezekiel chapter 3. This word of the revelation was the living bread from heaven, which leads people to eternal life. Jesus, who received the revelation, stated that no one knows God except the ones who receive the revelation through Jesus (Mt 11:27).

Before this revelation comes, believers only teach and learn through teachings of man, just as Isaiah 29:9-14 explains. They come near to God with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him.

All people on earth today (believers) know the fulfillment of the Old Testament, but they do not know the New Testament, just as Revelation 5 explains. Since no one knows, not even one person, believers have only taught and learned the teachings of man. They come close to the Lord with their lips, but their hearts are far from the Lord.



What believers today must know is not the Old Testament, but the New Testament and its revelation. Believers have been under the fulfillment of the Old Testament until the faith of the New Testament, which should be revealed, comes. But when the faith of the revelation in the New Testament comes, they will no longer be under the supervision of the Old Testament fulfillment, but they will dwell in the faith of the revelation in the New Testament. One will complete his life of faith by believing in the revelation of the New Testament. This is why the scripture says if one adds to and/or subtracts from Revelation, he will be unable to go to heaven and will be cursed (Rv 22:18-19). Is this word a lie? Ask yourself. Ask yourself whether you have added or subtracted from revelation.

The promised pastor in Shincheonji has received the revelation of heaven according to Revelation 10. He is making known this revelation just as he was commanded to do. Whoever goes against this and does not like the promised revelation does so because the spirit of the devil is inside them. The reason why the spirit of the devil is inside is because they are born of the genes of the sinner and of the seed of the devil. Only when this type of person is born again of God’s seed, will God’s spirit, the holy spirit, be able to dwell with them.

The word in the beginning is God, and it is life. God’s seed of life is God’s word (Lk 8:11). Those who are born of God’s seed are God’s sons (children), and they are qualified to call God, Father. These people are not the old self, but they are the re-born new creations and the people of God’s kingdom (heaven). All saints must enter into the word of the revelation in the New Testament, and they must become God’s family, in order to be qualified to go to heaven.

If anyone thinks they are carrying out a true life of faith, and they are qualified to go to heaven, they will be able to know whether their spirit is in darkness/night, or in light/day, by taking a test with the words of the revelation in the New Testament (1 Thes 5). Are you confident about this test?

The true promised pastor, who received the revelation—the living bread from heaven—prays for all people that they will receive the revelation, and will become the family of heaven by understanding and believing in the true will of heaven.


Shincheonji: Healing All Nations




Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

감기예방에 좋은 유자차 만들기와 효능

감기 걸리기 쉬운 싸늘한 날씨에는 따뜻한 차가 최고인데요 그 중에서도

감기 예방에 좋은 유자차의 효능과 만드는 방법을 소개해드리려고 합니다.

유자차의 효능

유자에는 비타민C와 구연산, 리모넨 성분이 풍부하여 목의 염증과 기침, 감기 예방에 좋다고 합니다.

몸에 좋기로 소문한 매실보다 유기산과 섬유질이 많이 함유되어 있어 피로회복에도 좋습니다.

소화를 도와주는 성분도 있다고 하네 소화가 안되는 분들이 차로 즐겨 마셔도 좋을 것 같습니다.

그리고 유자차를 즐겨마시면 피부도 상당히 좋아진다고 하니 여성분들도 좋아할만한 차 같습니다.

유자차 만들기

1. 유자의 씨가 들어가면 유자차가 쓴맛이 나기 때문에 골라내주시고 유자의 껍질과 과육을

분리시켜서 껍질은 채를 썰듯 썰어주고 과육은 믹서기로 갈아주시면 됩니다.

2. 유리병에 채 썰은 유자 껍질과 과육을 넣고 설탕을 넣으시면 되는데 이때 유자와

설탕을 비율을 1대1정도로 담아주시면 됩니다. 그리고 유리병 뚜껑을 닫고 2주나 3주 정도

보관해두시면 감기에도 좋고 몸에도 좋은 유자차가 완성이 됩니다. 참 쉽죠? ^^

유자차 집에서도 간단하게 해 먹을 수 있는 차니 온가족의 건강을 위해서 집에서 만들어 보셔도

좋을 것 같습니다. 환절기 감기 조심하시고 몸관리 잘하길 바랍니다.

Posted by 맛짱이